Sunday, February 11, 2007

Being a Soldier/Hawker

I just went to official ROSE web site. Read the charactoristic for champion coz i want to make my soldier(lvl18) to champ.

Then I found this.

Champions generally uses giant heavy weapons such as Two Handed Axes, Two Handed Maces, Spears, Two Handed Swords or Dual Wield weapons.

????? Dual weapons?????

Thought they were Hawkers weps... I'm confused....

Also read the hawker discription.

Raiders, for the most part, use Dual Wield weapons or Katars, but they can also equip Bows.

Scouts tend to favor Long Bows, but it is also possible for them to use short Swords or Guns.

I'm sure they can but.... umm I'm confused again....

Does ne one really use them??

1 comment:

Sabotage said...

The descriptions are so messed up. They should take care of that website.